history of a7x tatto

Johnny Crist
Johnny has beer and wine across his knuckles.

Johnny was 18 when he got his first tattoo.

Johnny's right arm has many movie monster portraits covering it.

"I like old Black and white horror movies."-Johnny Christ-

Johnny would love to be a cowboy so he had a cowboy tattooed on the left side of his neck.

Johnny has a tree on his upper right arm in the theme of the Raven by Egar Allen Poe. The artist added fire to the limbs.

"I got this piece of work on my upper right shoulder by Adam Barton. He really wanted for some reason that the tree would start to have flame like branches. We always kinda joke about it. It was funny at the time. It was supposed to be something about the Raven, Egar Allen Poe."-Johnny Christ-

Johnny has modern day monsters on his left sleeve consisting of Jason, Chucky, Freddie, and more.

The Rev
Cording to Jimmy's parents his first tattoo was on his forearm. It is a coffin full of eggs and the Easter Bunny laying dead on top of it.
Jimmy thinks tattoos make people look more interesting.

"Something to look at on your body that looks cool.

Jimmy's friend Jason created his nun located on his right upper arm for free.

"It took like 5 hours to complete my virgin Mary. I was raised Catholic and it seemed like a good idea."

Jimmy has an all seeing eye symbol located in the middle of his upper back and a huge zero in his middle back.

Jimmy has a pumpkin on his arm in the Nightmare before Christmas theme.

Jimmy has a yellow death bat located on his left upper arm that is very visible in the new DVD Live in the LBC.

Zacky Vengeance
Zacky has an A behind his ear because he agreed to get it when Brian lost a bet with Matt that the Angels couldn't make a comeback in the World Series. The Angels did come back so he was supposed to get the tat but Zacky agreed to get the tat for him because of money issues. Zacky basically took one for the team.  Zacky is actually proud of the tattoo.

Several of Zacky's tattoos on his right arm were done during the creation of the album "Avenged Sevenfold. Which includes a decapitated Mickey Mouse.
Zacky has his version of the deathbat on his lower back. It is a baseball with bat wings.

Zacky also has a green deathbat on his chest. It was finished just before the taping of "Seize the Day".

Zacky also has the bloody coffin on his left middle finger.

"Tattoos can motivate in all sorts of ways.

"Tattoos can hide and make me look as buff as I do now. I got muscles tattooed on my muscles.

"I've always wanted to get tattoos. I wanted to be the guy driving around in the nice car people always looked down on but was actually successful. Yeah just make a stand. So they can't be looked down on anymore."-Zacky V.-

synyster gates
Brian's first tattoo was the number 1 located on his thumb. Because it was his first tattoo he thought the number 1 was fitting. He got the tattoo when he was 15 years old.

"I was just young and had older friends who had them. I thought they were cool and always liked how they looked and your parents aren't going to let you have them when your 12-13, that age. I hid it from them for a while then they found out. What could they do?"-Synyster Gates-

I wanted alot of tattoos but I never thought I was gonna be this rediculous."-Synyster Gates-.

Brian's most recent tattoo is Marlboro spelled across his knuckles done by Artist Grant Cobb. He also has a tattoo located behind his left ear that stands for Sounding the Seventh Trumpet.

Brian's left arm is a sleeve design, comprised of monsters who are hooked up to a machine. The machine is basically torchering them. The means of torcher are unknown to everyone except Brian.

M. shadosw
Because Matt likes the biblical story of the four horseman he decided to have a sleeve created for his left arm. He thought that the horses with their muscles would look really cool. He calls it Sleepy Hollow meets the bible. The sleeve was completed during the recording of "Avenged Sevenfold" the album.

Matt's first tattoo was of the logo for the band H2O. They are the first punk band he really liked. It is located on his lower leg. He got the tattoo when he was 14 years old. His parents found out about it when he was in the 8th grade. They were not happy at the time but now they don't care. His second tattoo was of a heart  with flames around it and in the middle of the heart are the words "True till death". He got that tattoo when he was 15 years old.

arti setiap tatto para personil a7x

M. shadows
Karena Matt menyukai cerita Alkitab dari empat penunggang kuda, ia memutuskan untuk mentatto lengan kirinya. Tatto pertama Shad adalah logo band H2O, band punk itu adalah band pertama yg Shad sukai. Tatto ini terletak di tungkai bawah. Ia pertama kali mentatto dirinya ketika ia berusia 14 tahun. Orang tuanya mengetahui ketika dia berada di kelas-8.

Yang terletak di dada Matt adalah dua bintang bahari yang biru dan hitam. Ia juga memiliki penutup untuk "Sounding the Seventh Trumpet" yang diciptakan kembali di dadanya. Dia punya versi sendiri tentang Deathbat yang terletak di perut bagian bawah. Dia mengatakan Deathbat merupakan perwakilan dari album Waking the Fallen. Matt tidak pernah mau tatto wajahnya tetapi dia memiliki rencana untuk sedikit lebih naik lehernya.

synyster gates
Tatto pertama Syn adalah "angka 1" yang terletak di ibu jarinya. Karena itu tatto yang pertama pikirnya nomor 1 itu cocok. Ia mendapat tatto ketika ia berusia 15 tahun. Tatto terbaru Syn adalah "Marlboro" yang dieja di buku-buku jarinya. Dia juga memiliki tato yang terletak di belakang telinga kiri yang berdiri untuk Sounding the Seventh Trumpet.
Tatto di lengan kiri Syn adalah "desain lengan", yang terdiri dari monster yang terhubung ke sebuah mesin. Pada dasarnya mesin torchering mereka. Sarana torcher tidak diketahui semua orang, kecuali Syn.

"Saya pikir itu ternyata benar-benar sangat baik. Rakasa hijau besar pada bagian atas lenganku adalah rakasa utama yang bekerja di seluruh monster dan menjalani pembedahan. Mereka dihubungkan dengan sebuah mesin torchered. Jadi itu adalah hidupku".

zacky vengeance
Beberapa tatto Zacky di lengan kanan dilakukan selama pembuatan album Avenged Sevenfold (termasuk gambar yang memenggal Mickey Mouse). Zacky punya versi deathbat di punggung bawah. Zacky juga memiliki deathbat hijau di dadanya. Itu selesai tepat sebelum merekam lagu "Seize the Day". Zacky juga memiliki tatto peti mati berdarah di sebelah kiri jari tengah.

"Tato dapat memotivasi dalam segala macam cara." 
"Saya selalu ingin mentatto badan saya. Saya ingin berkendara di dalam mobil bagus dan orang memandang rendah tapi sebenarnya saya sukses".

johnny crist
Pada usia 18thn JC mentatto dirinya. Johnny memiliki tatto pohon di lengan kanan atas dengan tema Raven by egar Allen Poe.Tatto api ditambahkan ke tungkai. Johnny memiliki tato baru yang terletak di tungkai bawah. Johnny juga memiliki tatto peti mati berdarah di sebelah kiri jari tengah.

johnny memiliki bir dan anggur di buku-buku jarinya.
johnny memiliki tatto pertamanya saat dia berumur 18th 
Lengan kanan Johnny memiliki potret rakasa film yang banyak menutupinya.

"Aku suka film horor tua Hitam dan putih.
Johnny akan senang menjadi seorang koboi, sehingga dia mentato koboi di sisi kiri lehernya.
Johnny memiliki pohon di lengan kanan atas dalam tema artis Raven dengan Egar Allen Poe.  ditambahkan api untuk anggota badan.

"Aku punya sepotong bekerja pada bahu kanan atas saya dengan Adam Barton Dia benar-benar ingin untuk beberapa alasan bahwa pohon akan mulai memiliki api seperti cabang-cabang.. Kita selalu tertawa tentang hal itu. Rasanya lucu pada saat itu. Hal itu seharusnya menjadi sesuatu tentang Raven,Egar Allen Poe. 

Johnny memiliki monster modern di lengan kirinya yang terdiri dari Jason, Chucky, Freddie, dan banyak lagi.

the rev
tato pertamanya adalah di lengannya. Ini adalah peti mati berisi telur dan Kelinci Paskah bertelur dan mati di atasnya.
Jimmy berpikir tatto dapat membuat orang tampak lebih menarik. Jason (teman Jimmy) mentatto gambar biarawati di atas lengan kanannya secara gratis.
"Butuh 5 jam untuk menyelesaikan tatto perawan Maria. Aku dibesarkan Katolik.

Jimmy memiliki tatto deathbat kuning yang terletak di atas lengan kirinya yang terlihat dalam DVD Live di LBC. Jimmy juga memiliki tatto peti mati berdarah terletak di jari tengah kiri.

simbol mata melihat terletak di tengah-tengah punggung  dan nol besar di punggung tengahnya.
"Ada satu tato di tubuh saya yang kadang-kadang di malam hari aku merasa seperti ada setan yang sedang menyerang aku. Rasanya setan itu mencakariku dan aku berusaha melepasnya.

Jimmy mempunyai tatto sepasang borgol di lehernya. Ini adalah pengingat dari penangkapan.
(The Rev memang misteriuuuus..)

Jimmy memiliki labu di lengannya dalam tema nightmare before cristmast

history the rev tatto "one eye" (dajjal)

James Owen Sullivan, atau biasa dipanggil The Rev atau biasa dipanggil Jimmy (Duh, banyak banget namanya) adalah drummer Avenged Sevenfold yang meninggal 28 Desember 2009. Semua fansnya menangisi kepergiannya, mungkin termasuk saya.
Sebagai fans A7X sejati,saya sudah hafal penampilan personelnya.Tatto pun tak luput dari pengamatanku.
Nah,menyangkut tatoo,di belakang leher The Rev ada gambar menakjubkan yang sedang kuamati beberapa hari ini.
The Rev memiliki Tatto berbentuk mata, yang mirip seperti The All Seeing One Eye, mata dajjal.

Sebuah forum mengatakan, The Rev membuat tatto ini pada saat ia sedang mabuk, dan dia ketakutan begitu ia sadar dari mabuknya, melihat tatto yang dibuatnya itu. Ia menggaruknya setiap malam, dan berharap bisa menghapusnya suatu hari nanti.
Tetapi apa daya, Tuhan tidak mengizinkan. The Rev meninggalkan dunia ini sebelum dapat menghapus tatto tersebut.

Daftar Nama Para Anggota The Fallen Surabaya

Name               : achmad habibi
nickname          : abie
birthday            : 3 january 1992
address            : demak 224, Surabaya
Position            : leader

Name               : nanank setiawan
nickname          : mbok
birthday            : unknown
address            : tawangsari barat, sidoarjo
Position            : deputy leader

Name               : ifha    
nickname          : ifha
birthday            : 6 mei 1991
address            : rangkah buntu 1, surabaya
Position            : treasure

Name               : aminkz
nickname          : aminkz
birthday            : 4 september1889
address            : kedurus sawah gede, surabaya
Position            : member (a7x shopping center)

Name               : moch. hanafi evansha
nickname          : evan
birthday            : 29 july 1992
address            : tawangsari barat, sidoarjo
Position            : member (former leader)

Name               : rezky
nickname          : curut
birthday            : unknown
address            : tawangsari , sidoarjo
Position            : member (desaigner)

Name               : rizky
nickname          : rizky
birthday            : 22 june 1995
address            : jl. Sidotopo sekolahan, sidoarjo
Position            : member

Name               : suryawati
nickname          : memo
birthday            : 24 january1995
address            : jl. Dinoyo, Surabaya
Position :          member (former secretary)

Name               : rezza pratama
nickname          : mbah
birthday            : unknown
address            : tawangsari barat, sidoarjo
Position            : member

Name               : febry
nickname          : ndoweh
birthday            : 7 february 1992
address            : tambak sari 262, surabaya
Position            : member

Name               : Vicky teguh prasetyo
nickname          :  vicky
birthday            : 27 agustus 1989
address            : tawangsari, sidoarjo
Position            : member

Name               : ajeng dwi arianti
nickname          : ari
birthday            : 28 july 1995
address            : sukolilo park regency, surabaya
Position            : member

Name               : rendy awal nuansa
nickname          : koepral
birthday            : 23 july 1991
address            : tawangsari barat, sidoarjo
Position            : member

Name               : m. fany veryan
nickname          : vanny
birthday            : 12 february 1992
address            : ppi pasar 50, gresik
Position            : member

Name               : putry kurnia
nickname          : putry
birthday            : 24 october
address            : dukuh kupang XIII, surabaya
Position            : member

Name               : angga sadityan
nickname          : angga
birthday            : 13 npvember 1992
address            : ketegan timur, sidoarjo
Position            : member

Name               : aprilia r.
nickname          : chimodt
birthday            : 5 april 1994
address            : jl. Ambengan batu, surabaya
Position            : member

Name               : real
nickname          : jarjit
birthday            : 1 january 1994
address            : pulo wonokromo, surabaya
Position            : member

Name               : ruhul qudus
nickname          : ruhul
birthday            : 6 july 1995
address            : unknown
Position            : member

Name               : hisyam fajari ardani
nickname          : hisyam
birthday            : 4 mei 1995
address            : pacar keeling, surabaya
Position            : member

Name               : singgih
nickname          : pede
birthday            : 24 july 1994
address            : krian, sidoarjo
Position            : member

Name               : arief rizky
nickname          : rizky
birthday            : Surabaya, 24 february 1991
address            : jl. Teluk sampit, bekasi
Position            : member

Name               : lieza azola
nickname          : lieza
birthday            : 31 mei 1995
address            : jl. Sawunggaling II, sidoarjo
Position            : member

Name               : moch. Nanda harahap
nickname          : nanda
birthday            : 16 juni 1996
address            : jl. Kedung pangkol, surabaya
Position            : member

Tempat pendaftaran THE FALLEN SURABAYA

Bagi kalian para fanz berat AVENGED SEVENFOLD yang ada di daerah surabaya dan sekitarnya
kalian bisa join disini...

(leader) : Achmad Habibi
tlp. 089677007808
(deputy leader) : nanank
tlp. 089667801141
(treasure) :ifha
tlp. 083857804764

tempat : taman bungkul, surabaya
persyaratan : wajib bayar uang khas setiap pertemuan ,
                    wajib pake baju a7x,
                     (kecuali kalo gk punya)
                     selalu datang saat diadakan pertemuan,
                      (kecuali berhalangan) :)

Zacky Vengeance Tatto


hey, bingung cari baju a7x....!!!!
Grup ini adalah grup pecinta avenged sevenfold 
yang setia sampai mati dan tempat belanjanya 
atributte avenged sevenfold LIMITED EDITION, 
jika kalian The Fallen sejati kalian berhak gabung ke grup ini...
klik link dibawah ini... 


The Rev Tatto

The Rev (Picture)

The Rev ( Tribute Picture)


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